
UFC fighter Nate Diaz (Image via YouTube)

Nate Diaz, a well-known UFC fighter. recently lost a match in Las Vegas and took the time to medicate with a vape pen during a post-fight press conference. According to Rolling Stone Magazine, it was a cannabidiol-loaded vape pen, which is a weed extract oil usually called CBD. Cannabidiol doesn’t contain THC or have any of the psychotropic effects associated with its use, but is still disallowed by the USADA.

Diaz explained, “It helps with the healing process and inflammation, stuff like that…So you want to get these for before and after the fights, training. It’ll make your life a better place.”

However, Cannabidiol is still on the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency’s (USADA) list of banned substances, and according to their website, “The use of prohibited substances in sport, without an approved Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE), may lead to an anti-doping rule violation and sanction.”

A representative from the USADA stated, “I can confirm that USADA is aware of the situation and is currently gathering information in order to determine the next appropriate steps.”

According to Complex:

“Since the press conference took place within six hours of McGregor and Diaz’s fight, it is still considered to be “in competition,” which, according to MMA Fighting, means Diaz could be hit with a punishment that could range from a public warning to a one-year suspension.”

The decision to openly vape during the press conference could potentially end up being a costly mistake by Diaz, who has never served a suspension during his 12-year MMA career.

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