News flash: Rapper Snoop Dogg smokes weed. Possibly every day, seeing how his mega-hit “Smoke Weed Every Day,” isn’t exactly subtle about Dogg and Dr. Dre’s familiarity with the chronic.

But that’s not all that’s igniting in Dogg’s world. At a recent Tech Crunch Disrupt conference, Dogg announced that his new cannabis lifestyle website,, would be launching in October.

According to the Verge,”It sounds like the site will combine a traditional editorial voice with consumer-oriented features like a dispensary mapping service and a buying guide for marijuana-related products.” 

This is no half-baked site. A preview of “Deflowered”, a video interview series on the site, shows two former Marines smoking marijuana and discussing alternative medicine (and their favorite munchies). And while there are light moments, it also touches on the very real issue of PTSD and alternative therapies like cannabis.

According to the Youtube video, “Today, medical cannabis is becoming a significant player in the discussion on mental health, as research unveils the benefits of medical cannabis for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.”

Dogg told reporters that he’s a medical cannabis user, and believes that by 2017 marijuana will be legal in California and 20 other states. He said the reason he made the announcement at the Tech Crunch event was to make contacts in the industry.

Before launch, 420 people who sign up for the beta (yes, really) will get a peek at the site.

– Heather Irwin

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